Thursday, September 19, 2013

Huan Zhu Ge Ge Season 2 Episode 2 Recap

We start off in Ci Ning Gong- the Dowager’s residence where Xiao Yan Yi and Zi Wei have been summoned. It’s inspection/interrogation time and no doubt Xiao Yan Zi is her usual bubbly self, acting and talking out of fashion for a princess even going so far as to call the Dowager ‘Grandma’ which no one dares to- even the Emperor refers to her as Imperial Mother. 
Moment of truth...
Oh Xiao Yan Zi, you're so loveable but please don't over do it
Seeking advice from Zi Wei
Comic relief of the moment: their ‘what’ conversation, I think this is only funny to those who are Chinese but basically they have a string of ‘sum ma’ where they question each others what’s. Of course our intelligent Zi Wei comes to her aid when Xiao Yan Zi is lost for words when explaining how she supported herself before she entered the palace.
I love their conversation, it's so hilarious

To top that off, Xiao Yan Zi’s interpretation of idioms have failed her once again. Questions are then directed to Zi Wei (Ming Zhu Ge Ge), where the Dowager is determined to get to the root of her identity as the Emperor’s legit illegitimate child however questioning ceases because the answers like with her mother who we have already past away. Wasting no opportunity to portray the two in bad light, the Empress alludes to Zi Wei’s relationship with Er Kang implying that she has already been promiscuous before marriage. This is akin to an attack on Zi Wei’s virtue because of her being born out of wedlock, yet being as reserved, as she is Zi Wei accepts the Dowager’s teachings whereas Xiao Yan Zi can only bite her lip to stop herself from venting her anger. The Dowager picks up on this and starts to provoke her, or more appropriate ask her about how she feels as what she just said. Xiao Yan Zi continues to be silent until she finally lets it out under the command of ‘Speak’ but what Xiao Yan Zi’s says is definitely not music to the Dowager’s ears so they are then forced to kneel.

Bloody Huang Hou 

She's about to blow
The Empress notices Xiao Yan Zi’s ‘Easy Kneeling’ and points that out to the Dowager who then orders Gui Mo Mo and Rong Mo Mo to inspect her but as if Xiao Yan Zi wouldn’t resist and thank god she does because someone needs to hit those Mo Mo’s, they’re so ugly and really need to be taught a lesson for abusing everyone below them for rejoicing at the expense of Xiao Yan Zi and Zi Wei.
Easy Kneeling

Xiao Yan Zi resists again when the Mo Mo’s are ordered to bring her ‘Easy Kneeling’ to the Dowager, eventually temporarily escaping by flying away, she attempted to bring Zi Wei with her but of course she refused. Upon escape, Xiao Yan Zi crashes into Qing Er mistaking her for a palace maid and warning her about the granny ahead.

I take extreme pleasure in her sadness
Woo Easy Kneeling
Brilliant first impression
The Emperor orders his men to capture Huan Zhu Ge Ge and so begins the great chase, I swear the palace guards so are incapable (most of the time), it’s so funny seeing them scrabbling left and right to capture her. 
The Dowager is disgusted at how there can be such a princess who dares to cause such a scene and revolt but again the Empress reminds her that this is only a minor incident. Yong Qi, Er Kang and Jin Suo arrive soon after astonished at how Xiao Yan Zi could’ve caused such a scene after they coached her for half a day. She winds up climbing a tree but is brought down by Yong Qi and Er Kang so that she can beg for forgiveness from the Dowager.
Incompetent guards
 With the help of Zi Wei, the Emperor and most importantly the Dowager’s favourite, Qing Er, Xiao Yan Zi is ultimately forgiven after a bout of her stubbornness and the Dowager’s insistence that she be punished. The Dowager and Qing Er leave but she sneaks a glance at Er Kang, if I didn’t know any better I’d think that Er Kang also fancied her.
Qing Er to the rescue

The four return to Shu Fang Zhai, and it is revealed that Qing Er is no palace maid but a princess, the only child of the Prince Yu of the First Rank who died in battle and mother unfortunately left her orphaned as she committed suicide to join her husband. Thus the Dowager raised her by her side and loves her as much as the Emperor loves Zi Wei and Xiao Yan Zi. Quote of the moment:
Xiao Yan Zi: “Are those MoMo’s mentally sick? Will they become immortals after slapping us?”

^I agree, those bloody MoMo’s, I swear they live to punish others.

Er Kang and Yong Qi find out the reason why the questioning became out of hand, they’re smart so there was no need to tell them explicitly. Their solution, to ask the Emperor to arrange a date for their respective marriages (I bet they’re secretly happy that this happened because Er Kang and Yong Qi are dying to be wed to Zi Wei and Xiao Yan Zi and this gives them the opportunity to do so), however Zi Wei refuses to allow them to do so as it will create further misunderstandings about their integrity. Yong Qi continues to root for marriage saying there is no reason why the Emperor would oppose their earlier marriages, yes Zi Wei will be marrying out of the palace but Xiao Yan Zi would just be moving into a different residence within the palace. Surprisingly, Xiao Yan Zi was able to deduce a counter argument, saying that the Emperor cannot bear to see Zi Wei and Xiao Yan Zi separated because they are after all sworn sisters and have been described by the Emperor as being as close as his two hands. 
"You don't understand?"
Finally her other argument against the marriage is that she refuses to see the Dowager each day because she’ll be married to a prince so she cannot live outside the palace, poor Yong Qi is so frightened at the thought of that and tries to persuade her otherwise recalling the difficulties they went through in order to be together. In the end the two guys can only follow their leading ladies, they really do get the short end of the stick sometimes, they went through hell to get engaged and now even their marriages are certain.

Xiao Yan Zi's horror at the thought of seeing the Empress and Dowager everyday and Yong Qi's reaction

The Dowager and the Emperor have a private discussion about the two princesses, regarding why the Emperor loves them so much. She again brings up the marriage dilemma saying that Xiao Yan Zi is unsuitable for Yong Qi, the fifth prince and potential Crown Prince which would make Xiao Yan Zi the future Empress (what a thought, seriously cannot imagine her as the Empress) and even if Yong Qi isn’t the Crown Prince he will be a Prince of First Rank making Xiao Yan Zi the Princess Consort. Of course, the Emperor is rooting for this marriage and shuts the topic by saying that he will groom her so that she is up to par, that is before he hears of the Empress’ interference in the matter.

The Dowager then brings up the next potential marriage that she’s dissatisfied with, offering to pair Er Kang with Qing Er- a legitimate princess of true royal blood (because she doesn’t quite believe Zi Wei’s story) and using as her leverage, the Emperor’s previous promise that he would pair Qing Er up with a good husband and because there are supposedly no suitable males in a country as big as Imperial China the only two candidates are Er Tai and Er Kang. Er Tai was married off last season to Tibetan princess Saiya to resolve the marriage issue at hand then and thus leaving Er Kang as the only suitor that the Dowager approves of but he’s already engaged … time to use your almighty Dowager powers to get everyone to cave somehow (mhm?).
Emperor's 3 stage shock at the Dowager's wishes

Qing Er and Er Kang have a long overdue conversation but are interrupted by Xiao Yano Zi and Zi Wei as they head to Jing Yan Palace (residence of Yong Qi) because Xiao Yan Zi is bored to death. The two become acquainted with Qing Er but their conversation is cut short as Qing Er leaves to handle some errands assigned by the Dowager.

Everyone is back at Shu Fang Zhai where Xiao Yan Zi tries to convince the gang to leave the Palace to celebrate the opening of Liu Hong and Liu Qing’s guesthouse however their servants (Xiao Deng Zi and Xiao Zhuo Zi) try to persuade Xiao Yan Zi out of it for fear of the consequences to everyone including them. But Xiao Yan Zi dismisses it right away, originally Jin Suo, Er Kang and Zi Wei originally object to suggestion as well but because the mood is so good they decide to take the chance.
Poor Servants
Onto the streets of Beijing, and there is a lion dance display, the public has come out to see the dancers as they make their way to Liu Qing and Liu Hong’s guesthouse. Meng Dan, the Ughur warrior we saw in episode one makes another appearance and this time it’s outside the guesthouse as the commoners gossip about how the guesthouse has the backing of Huan Zhu Ge Ge. Liu Qing and Liu Hong are faced with the option of setting of the firecrackers now (for good luck) or wait till gang arrives risking the possibility that they might not even arrive at all because they may have been caught up in some trouble. We find out that the dragon and lion dancers are sent from the gang who unfortunately couldn’t make it but if you’ve watched as many dramas as I have you know that there’s something up with that and it’s confirmed Xiao Yan Zi, Yong Qi and Er Kang were the lion dancers.

Meanwhile, Jin Suo and Zi Wei were hiding amongst the crowd that turned up. Xiao Yan Zi blurts out her frustration about the Dowager, which we assume to be overhead by Meng Dan (cue in dark, sinister music).


Firecrackers are set off, and the guesthouse is officially open. Xiao Yan Zi who can’t keep still decides to help out the waiters but being as clumsy as she is, she accidently crashes into Meng Dan with plate of food in hand. She apologises immediately but Meng Dan he continues to be rough and short with her, Xiao Yan Zi who takes offence to his lack of manners starts quarrelling with him. Liu Hong goes over to try to calm the guest (Meng Dan) but Xiao Yan Zi starts fighting with him and that’s the end of this episode!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to anyone who read the weird version of this post, I have no idea how my post was not saved properly. It's fixed now so enjoy
